Stress - It's a killer! How can we deal with stress?


By: Tamara Weinstein, PT, DPT, MS, CCN

Director of Sales and Continued Education for Health & Nutrition

Individuals are feeling more stressed, with a lack of sleep, work pressures and even social media playing a role.

  • Nearly 8 in10 adults (78%) say there is a source of significant stress in their life.
  • 2 in 3 adults (67%) say the stress they experience is increasing, not abating.
  • Nearly half of adults (49%) report their stress has impacted their health and relationships
    • Physical complaints – (21%)
    • Behavior changes- “snapping” or getting angry very quickly (20%)
    • Unpredictable mood swings (20%)
    • Behavior changes with their family and significant others (17%).
  • Most blamed a lack of sleep, trying to juggle too many things and work pressures for causing them to feel stressed.

What is stress? Stress is the reaction people have to excessive pressures or other types of demand placed upon them. Stress is the “wear and tear” our minds and bodies experience as we attempt to cope with our continually changing environment.

Stress is the body’s way of responding to demand or pressures. It can be caused by both good and bad experiences. In many cases stress is a healthy reaction. It helps us cope with life’s challenges. However too much stress or prolonged stress can affect our physical and emotional wellbeing.

Distress is a negative stress that can be potentially overwhelming and perhaps out of control. Experiencing distress for a lengthy period is called chronic stress and can impact us physically. Eustress is the “positive” stress that keeps us excited about life. This positive stress gives us a feeling of fulfillment and vitality in our everyday lives. Without it, our lives would start to feel meaningless and it may affect our mood. *

*Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics, Volume 595, 1 April 2016, Pages 19-24, Oxidative stress and antioxidants: Distress or eustress?

Now consider stress in terms of its ability to deplete you of your essential micronutrients—and it may surprise that the very same vitamins, minerals and essential fats that are depleted by stress, are the very same micronutrients that can ward off your stress when sufficient.

Magnesium, Vitamin C, and a Complex of B Vitamins are critically important to support the production of Serotonin, Dopamine, Melatonin and GABA. These are all brain chemicals that when in sufficient and balanced amounts allow us to have a feeling of calm, achieve healthy sleep and maintain a healthy perception during stressful times.

Scientific research shows that regular use of omega-3 fatty acids (EPA and DHA) are beneficial for mood and cognitive support and beneficial in supporting cognitive function by helping the body manage stress.

Adaptogens are part of the answer. Adaptogens are herbs or botanicals that work synergistically to reduce the impact of stress. They help the body deal with stressful conditions and help the body adapt to both physiologic and psychologic stress. They have a normalizing effect on the body and they restore the body back to balance. 

Mushrooms have compounds in them that act as adaptogens to respond to both physical demands as well as emotional demands and they are known for their immune-supporting benefits.  Mushrooms contain compounds that may give us energy and endurance while also having calming properties, creating a more balanced or enjoyable support for mental clarity and a healthy stress response.

As a rule, eat a well-balanced diet of fresh colorful fruits and vegetables, lean protein, healthy fats, and 100% whole grains.  Avoid processed foods, refined carbs, sugary foods and trans fats.  Make sure that you include the vitamins, minerals, and botanicals for support.  Stress takes a toll on the body and the body systems.  Eat smarter, exercise, manage stress, sleep better and live a healthier life.  Start a complete nutritional supplementation program designed to help maintain proper health.

Supplementation may include Isotonix® Vitamin C, Isotonix® Magnesium, Isotonix® Activated B Complex, Omega 3, BLISS or ACTs, CannabiQuin and MYCOADAPT*  Search all of these products here for more information.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

Content used by permission as an authorized nutraMetrix Healthcare Professional originally appeared at

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